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Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Stanford University classmates Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard founded HP in 1939. The company's first product, built in a Palo Alto garage, was an audio oscillator—an electronic test instrument used by sound engineers. One of HP's first customers was Walt Disney Studios, which purchased eight oscillators to develop and test an innovative sound system for the movie Fantasia.

HP is a technology solutions provider to consumers, businesses and institutions globally. The company's offerings span IT infrastructure, personal computing and access devices, global services and imaging and printing for consumers, enterprises and small and medium businesses.

HP established a presence in Asia Pacific in 1963 when the first office was set up in Japan. Today, we have more than 26,000 employees in this region with operations in 14 countries – Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
Today, HP India is number one in everything from PCs, enterprise storage solutions, printers, scanners and so much more. Our Indian entities are:

Hewlett Packard India Sales Private Limited for sales and marketing operations

Global e: Business Operations Private Limited for transaction processing and

Hewlett Packard India Software Operations Private Limited for software development and sales

HP Labs India is one of the six HP Labs worldwide. It has been set up to innovate breakthrough technology for the rapidly growing emerging markets worldwide.

HP's offices spread across Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, New Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune. As the best place to start your career and a great place to work, HP India offers a stimulating work environment where you can compete with the very best.

HP Pattern

80 Que 75 minutes

40 Que on cse subjects

They mainly concentrated on

OS(Important),FAFL,DBMS,SS,UNIX(only 2 que),c++,Network(Basic)

20 Que on c.

20 Que on Aptitude+English+Logical


For C,C++--> Test ur C,C++ skills by Yashvanth kanithakar
For Java--> any good book.
48Q totally
12Q in General computer test?(Concentrate more on ceo's and founders of HP,Microsoft,intel,sap etc..)It even includes Q in OS,N/wing
12Q on C,
12Q on C++
12Q n java
All section r compulsory..(Even for Non java guys)

In the interview( ie ont he 2nd ropund..they will ask Q mostly in C,C++,Java.The employee who r asking the Q r very jovial.So develop ur confidence level.They mostly ask abt ur latest projects,

If u clear this will be HR round.
If u clear the second round mostly..u r selected(90%).
HR is just for a formality..

The interview pattern will be as:

1. Tell abt your self.
2. They will ask for the subjects in which we are strong
( Here they will consider the ranking that we written during written
examination & marks we got in written exam)
3. Mostly the interview time will be 45 minutes around (for only
people there is about 1.5 hr)
4. HR questions may include here
5. Good thing is They r friendly and cooperative so confidence place

If u don't know the answer better not to answer than to tell some bad
For me 2 people interviewd. As I told them that I am strong in C
they told me to write some programs like double linked list, singly
linked list(adding node at last), macros, const *,char *,pointer

The main question that they asked was how can u compile or
execute 'c' program without editor. (Using TCC utility)

coming 2 cpp only 1 question i.e what is polymorphism.

Java they asked me about protocol used in JSP, which layer does it
belongs to, main differences between _Javascript ,java and JSP.

During personal introduction try to excell your capabilities by
giving examples like as fast learner, hard worker like..!

If u have any achievements & awards try 2 put them all during
personal INtroduction.

The interviewers are very co-operative and highly friendly (so
confidence plays vital role)


1>General section : computer science general knowledge

2> Computer science general: simple questions

1) HP acquired this company in 2002. Which is the company

a)Compaq b)Dell c)option 3 d) Option4

Ans: a

2) what does 3G denote

a) 3rd generation mobile communication b) 3rd generation computer languages c) option 3 d)


Ans: a

3)an application program that is used by the users to get the inofrmation from the backend of some

application like databases:

a) application server b)proxy server c)database server d)option 4

Ans: database server

4) which of the following is not true about the e-mail

a) it can be accessed by a client program using POP

b) it can be accessed by a client program using imap protocol

c) option 3

d) option 4

Ans: I don't remember the answer but first 2 are true.

5) Some quesion regarding the company and who developed it ( the thing to remember is that

Apple produce Macintosh computers).

5) What is X.25?

a)option 1 b)option 2 c)option 3 d)option 4

Ans: find out??:-)

>>> napster app is used for : downloading music

3> c/c++ section: questions on c/c++, programs o/p etc.

1) main( )

{ unsigned int i=3; while( i >=0) printf( "%d", i--); }

how many times will the printf stmt be executed?

a)0 b)3 c)4 d)infinite

Ans: I think the answer is infinite, b'cos 'i' is an unsigned integer and it will not decrement below '0'

and hence end up in an infinite loop.(yes, i checked and it is getting stuck in an infinite loop)

2) main( )

{int x,y, z; x=2; y=5; z= x+++y; printf("%d %d %d", x, y z); }

a)3 5 7 b)option 2 c)option 3 d)option 4

Ans: a

3) # define swap(a,b) temp=a; a=b; b=temp;

main( )

{ int i, j, temp; i=5; j=10; temp=0; if( i > j) swap( i, j ); printf( "%d %d %d", i, j, temp); }

Ans: On compiling i got ans 10, 0, 0. I did not understand the concept. Please expalin this to me.

4>Java section: questions on java related stuff.

1) Java was initially code named as:

a)Oak b)green c)miller d)option4

Ans: Oak

2) what is not true about the following statements about java.

a) it is compiled using javac compiler

b) the compiled files have .class extension.

c) such files cannot be transfered from one comp to another.

d) they use the java interpreter

Ans: c

3) Why is the synchronize used?

a) to initialize multiple objects b)to lock an object c)option3 d)option 4

Ans: b (probably)

some java qns

1. package java.lang;

// Ans:! Runtime gives error ( test it)

2: class HPTest2

{ public static void main(String args[])}

{ String x="sdfsd"; System.out.println("Hello"); } }

2 class HPTest

{static HPTest x;public static void main(String args[]) { // below line not given //x=new HPTest(); if not this line Null pointer exeception;

void foo()

{ System.out.println("Hello"); }

3: class A

{ A(int x)

{System.out.println(" x=" + x ); }

A(int x,int y)

{ System.out.println(" x=" + x + " y =" + y); }

class HPTest4

{ public static void main(String args[])

{ A a=new A(1);

A b=new A(2,3);

A c=new A(); }

IT Gurus

1) Tim Berners Lee -- Founder of the World Wide Web

2) Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ Stroustrup called his new language 'C with Classes

and then 'new C'.Because of which the original C began to be called 'old C'

which was

considered insulting to the C community. At this time Rick Mascitti

suggested the name C++ as a successor to C.

3) Michael Dell of Dell Computers

4) Larry Ellison of Oracle Larry Ellison and Bob Oats were working on a

consulting project for the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). The code name

for the project was called Oracle (the CIA saw this as the system to give

answers to all questions or something such). The project was designed to

help use the newly written SQL code by IBM. The project eventually was

terminated but Larry and Bob decided to finish what they started and bring

it to the world. They kept the name Oracle and created the RDBMS engine.

Later they kept the same name for the company.

5) James Gosling,and his project is now known as Java Originally called Oak

by creator James Gosling, from the tree that stood outside his window, the

programming team had to look for a substitute as there was no other language

with the same name. Java was selected from a list of suggestions. It came

from the name of the coffee that the programmers drank.

6) Bill Hewlett(L) and Dave Packard(R) of HP. Behind them in the picture is

the famous HP Garage. Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard tossed a coin to decide

whether the company they founded would be called Hewlett-Packard or not

PART- 1 --> 40 q's (Fundamental computer Concepts, includes OS,N/w , protocols)

PART-2 --> 20 q's (Purely C )

PART-3 --> 20 q's (Analytical)

Q : What is not a part of OS ?

O : swapper,compiler,device driver,file system.

A : compiler.

Q : what is the condition called when the CPU is busy swapping in and out pages of

memory without doing any useful work ?

O : Dining philosopher's problem,thrashing,racearound,option d

A: thrashing.

Q : How are the pages got into main memory from secondary memory?

DMA, Interrupts,option3, option 4

A : as far as i know its Interrupts --by raising a page fault exception.

Q : What is the use of Indexing ?

O : fast linear access, fast random access, sorting of records , option 4

A : find out....

Q : in terms of both space and time which sorting is effecient.(The question is

rephrased .)

O : merge sort, bubble sort, quick sort, option 4

A : find out

which case statement will be executed in the following code ?


{ int i =1; switch(i)

{ i++; case 1 : printf (""); break;

ase 2 : printf(""); break;efault : printf(""); break;

Answer : Case1 will only be executed.

Q : In the given structure how do you initialize the day feild?

struct time {

char * day ;

int * mon ;

int * year ;

} * times;

Options : *(times).day, *(times->day), *times->*day.

Answer : *(times->day) -- after the execution of this statement compiler generates

error.i didn't understand why.can anybody explain.

Q: The char has 1 byte boundary , short has 2 byte boundary, int has 4 byte boundary.

what is the total no: of bytes consumed by the following structure:

struct st {char a ; char b; short c ; int z[2] ; char d ; short f; int q ;

Section A. ------50qns(general appitude,english etc):
Section B. ------ 10 Questions on Computer concepts.
Section C. ------ 30 Questions on C
1. WAP find and replace a character in a string.
2. WA function to perform the substraction of two .Eg:char N1="123",N2="478",
3. WAP dynamically intialize a 2 dimentional array Eg:5x20,accept strings and check
for vowels and display the no.finally free the space allocated .
4. WAP read a line from file from location N1 to N2 using command line agruments
Eg:exe 10 20 a.c
5. WAP find the largest of 4 no using macros.
General section
Computer science general, c/c++ section, Java section ,The question paper had 48
questions to be answered in 1hr. Time will be quite sufficient. They have different
sets of question papers. .
1 General section : computer science general knowledge
2. Computer science general: simple questions
1. HP acquired this company in 2002. Which is the company
a) Compaq b) Dell c) option 3 d) Option4
Ans: a
2. What does 3G denote
a) 3rd generation mobile communication b) 3rd generation computer languages
c) option 3 d) option4
Ans: a
3. An application program that is used by the users to get the inofrmation from the
backend of some application like databases:
a) application server b)proxy server c)database server d)option 4
Ans: database server
4. Which of the following is not true about the e-mail
a) It can be accessed by a client program using POP
b) It can be accessed by a client program using imap protocol
c) option 3
d) option 4
Ans: I don't remember the answer but first 2 are true.
5. Some quesion regarding the company and who developed it ( the thing to remember
is that Apple produce Macintosh computers).
c/c++ section: questions on c/c++, programs o/p etc.
1 main( )
unsigned int i=3;
while( i >=0)
printf( "%d", i--);
how many times will the printf stmt be executed?
a)0 b)3 c)4 d)infinite
Ans: I think the answer is infinite, b'cos 'i' is an unsigned integer and it will not
decrement below '0' and hence end up in an infinite loop.(yes, i checked and it
is getting stuck in an infinite loop)
2. main( )
int x,y, z;
z= x+++y;
printf("%d %d %d", x, y z);
a)3 5 7 b)option 2 c)option 3 d)option 4
Ans: a
3 # define swap(a,b) temp=a; a=b; b=temp;
main( )
int i, j, temp;
if( i > j)
swap( i, j );
printf( "%d %d %d", i, j, temp);
Ans: On compiling i got ans 10, 0, 0. I did not understand the concept. Please
expalin this to me.
4. Java section: questions on java related stuff.
1) Java was initially code named as:
a)Oak b)green c)miller d)option4
Ans: Oak
5. What is not true about the following statements about java.
a) it is compiled using javac compiler
b) the compiled files have .class extension.
c) such files cannot be transfered from one comp to another.
d) they use the java interpreter
Ans: c
6. Why is the synchronize used?
a) to initialize multiple objects b)to lock an object c)option3 d)option 4
Ans: b (probably)
HP placement papers

4 sections

48 quesns

no negative marking

all objective quesns.

IT INformation

1. Who is associated with C language?

2. CEO of MIcrosoft

3.Company producing Routers,Bridges

4.From 70s 80s Company producing
mouse,GUIs............a)Dell b)IBM c) Xerox d) HP

5.Inventor of Pascal

6.Abt SUN micro systems

7.first digital comp machine a)von neumann b) Dijkstra

8.Which of these is not search engine a)hotbot
b)parametric c)Altavista d) google

9.In 2002 IBM acquired which company
a) Rational b)oracle c) netscape

10.founder of apple computer(2 persons)

Computer Concepts

1.Complexity nlogn a.quick sort b. bubble sort c.
shell sort
2.Abt Protocols
3.Abt SSL
4.Abt MBR
5.Cross compiler
6.synonymus to main memory
8.Database quesns Stored procedures
Trigger strategy
9.Bandwidth measured in ?
10.Term assoc with Context Transaction


1.extending the class means many values does char of java has
3.Java pgm can be executed on any m/c how?
4.utility used for dynamically changing the tables
a.vector b. hash table c. enumeration
d. structures
5.synchronise means
6.if X & Y r objects X = Y means
7.which action Java platform restricts on applets
a. Image viewing
b. Accept user i/p
c. write to system files
d. initialise date in browser
8.quesns on JDBC
9.Two quesns on simple java pgms.
10. Java was initially code named as:
a)Oak b)green c)miller
11.) what is not true about the following statements
about java.
a) it is compiled using javac compiler
b) the compiled files have .class extension.
c) such files cannot be transfered from one comp to
d) they use the java interpreter

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